‘Form follows function’ is a general guideline of FEHLING INSTRUMENTS. It governs the development of both surgical instruments and implants.


  • POLYTEL and RAABE titanium retracting systems for dorsal approaches to the spine both outstanding in function and versatility.

  • THOREXPO retractor system for the upper abdomen and – combined with the VENTREXPO retractor system for the entire abdomen area.

  • The family of CONCEPT, TRADITION and GENTLE punches for spinal surgery completed by GRUMME and RICHTER disk rongeurs.

  • FORMAR and FENESTRA cervical spine disk replacements (cages) with bio-mechanically and physiologically improved geometry.

  • ICS retractor system and a complete range of MICS tube-shafted instruments for left and right intracostal approach, transapical approach and mini-thoracotomy.

  • Full range of pediatric cardiovascular instruments particularly including retractors, micro-instruments, shape memory probes, spatulae and sizers.

These examples represent a large number of R&D projects which offer major advantages for both surgeons and administrators: Enhanced quality and safety of surgical procedures:

  • Higher quality of work and safety

  • Reduced surgical working time

  • Reduced personnel expenses

  • Reduced risk of instrument induced claims for damages